
The fish we sell are chosen for their suitability to aquarium life and their ease of keeping. At Underwater World we have a wide range of fish. We always have in stock approximately over 100 different species, you will not see in most other shops.

 We have in offer fish for cold water, tropical and also marine aquariums.

The goldfish was one of the earliest fish to be domesticated, and is one of the most commonly kept aquarium fish. Goldfish breeds vary greatly in size, body shape, fin configuration and coloration (various combinations of white, yellow, orange, red, brown, and black are known).

Koi are ornamental varieties of domesticated common carp, that are kept for decorative purposes in outdoor koi ponds or water gardens. Koi varieties are distinguished by coloration, patterning, and scalation. Some of the major colors are white, black, red, yellow, blue, and cream.

They tolerate low oxygen levels far more than most of our native fishes this is one of the reasons why they are selected as pond fish. They handle poor water quality and can also be crowded quite well.

A vast majority species of tropical aquarium fish are freshwater fish.

These tropical fish from other regions of the World are good for keeping in community tank but not all of them.

For example, Guppies, Plattys, Mollys, Tetras, Angel Fish, Gourami, Bettas, Corydoras,Tench, Plecustomus are most popular, and good for begginers.

We offer tropical fish from African lakes (Victoria, Malawi, Tanganyika), South America, Asia, Australia. Fish from Cichlids family, like:  Discuss, Ram Cichlids, Apistogramma.

Marine fish come in many different shapes and colours with each species having their own unique personality.

Our range of fish includes Clownfish, Eye Spot Goby, Blue Damsel, the Scotter Blenny, and many more. Many marine tropical fish are coral reef fish.

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